Giving at Saint James

“But since you excel in everything…see that you also excel in this grace of giving.”

2 Corinthians 8:7

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Supporting…Saint James | Our Mission Envoys

Supporting Saint James

As you prayerfully consider how you can support our vision to see every life transformed, this leaflet provides an introduction to giving at Saint James and sets out some Biblical principles to guide you in our thinking. You may also find it helpful to listen to this sermon on giving, from Matt Beeby.

Listen to: Partnership in Giving

Getting Started

Our vision is to see every life transformed. Through Jesus. For God’s glory. We provide a termly update on our finances, together with more detailed reports at our APCM and periodically at Prayer Central during the year.

It’s an exciting time here at Saint James. God is at work. And we dare to believe that there is more to come!  Some are professing faith in Jesus for the very first time; new people are arriving; others are speaking of spiritual growth.  Jesus is building his church.  We would love you to be involved.  If you have a query about our vision or finances and would like to speak to a member of the Finance Team or Leadership Team, please feel free to get in touch: [email protected].

You can get started in any of the following ways:

If you are a UK taxpayer...

Please ensure that you also complete and return a Gift Aid declaration to enable Saint James to increase the value of your gift by reclaiming the basic rate tax on your gifts from HM Revenue & Customs. At the current rates for every £4 donated we receive £1.  You can download a Gift Aid declaration here.

Let us know

Once you’ve set-up your standing order or one-off donation, please let the Planned Christian Giving (PCG) Co-Ordinator know so that we can correctly identify your donation on our bank statement.  You can do this by email [email protected], or by printing and completing the notification form.

1. Regular Standing Order

The most helpful way to support Saint James is to set up a standing order with your bank. Once you have decided how much to give, you can set up the arrangement with your bank and then they will automatically process your gifts in accordance with your instructions. It therefore saves you time, it means that you don’t forget when life is too busy and – crucially – it helps the PCC and Leadership Team with our financial planning.

You can also set-up and manage regular donations through charity accounts like Stewardship or CAF.

The bank details you will need are:

PAYABLE TO:PCC of Saint James Gerrards Cross and Fulmer
A/C NO:51176858
SORT CODE:60-08-34
National Westminster Bank Plc, Gerrards Cross
2. Direct bank payment

You can use your online or telephone banking to make a payment using the details above.

3. Cheque or charity voucher (e.g. Stewardship or CAF voucher)

Made payable to “PCC of St James Gerrards Cross and Fulmer”.

4. Online Giving

You can make a secure online gift through Stewardship.  You’ll enter a few details to enable them to process your gift.  Setting up an account will enable you to make future payments more quickly.

Or you can make a quick secure gift one-off gift through Give A Little here:

If you’re unable to set-up your giving directly with your bank please download the appropriate giving forms. 

Standing Order Form
Gift Aid Form
Giving Notification Form

Details of your giving will be treated as strictly confidential. Only the Planned Christian Giving (PCG) Co-Ordinator and Secretary know the names of those who are giving. To see our privacy statement:

The Parochial Church Council Of The Ecclesiastical Parish Of St James Gerrards Cross With St James Fulmer is a registered charity (no. 1129332) whose registered office is at: Saint James Church, Oxford Road, Gerrards Cross, Bucks.  SL9 7DJ

Supporting Our Mission Envoys

Following his curacy at Saint James, Nat Schluter, along with Helen and their family, moved to South Africa in 2004 to start Johannesburg Bible College. The college has gone from strength to strength, and the Schluters continue to lead lives of service.

We praise God for the growth of the ministry, for new opportunities and for the privilege we have of partnering with them in prayer support and financial giving.

If you would like more information on how you can be involved in giving to support the Schluter family, please contact the Schluter Family Advisory Board via the church office.

There is an urgent need to raise funds to cover the Schluter family’s living costs – so please would you prayerfully consider what you might be able to give?

Please use the details below to set-up a standing order, or to make a donation. 

If you are a UK tax payer please ensure that you also complete and return a Gift Aid declaration (form below) to enable Saint James to increase the value of your gift by reclaiming the basic rate tax on your gifts from HM Revenue & Customs. At the current rates for every £4 donated we receive £1.  

PAYABLE TO:St James Mission Envoy
A/C NO:55015484
SORT CODE:60-08-34
National Westminster Bank Plc, Gerrards Cross

If you’re unable to set-up your Mission Envoy giving directly with your bank please download the appropriate giving forms. 

Standing Order Form (Mission Envoy)
Gift Aid Form
Giving Notification Form (Mission Envoy)

Details of your giving will be treated as strictly confidential. Only the Planned Christian Giving (PCG) Co-Ordinator and Secretary know the names of those who are giving. To see our privacy statement:

The Parochial Church Council Of The Ecclesiastical Parish Of St James Gerrards Cross With St James Fulmer is a registered charity (no. 1129332) whose registered office is at: Saint James Church, Oxford Road, Gerrards Cross, Bucks.  SL9 7DJ

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