The Lent Talks

The beauty of the church

and why you matter

We’re a church committed to growing in maturity as we listen to God’s word together. That’s why over the past few years we’ve made a point of coming together from across our three congregations for what we call the Lent Talks. Instead of meeting separately in our Growth Groups, during Lent we come together centrally, in the Saint James Centre, for teaching, discussion and prayer.

Our theme for this year’s Lent Talks is: The beauty of the church. And why you matter. We’ll be opening up the Bible to look at what it means to belong to God’s people – and how our theology of church shapes our practice. If you’re not in a Growth Group, the Lent Talks are still for you! Take advantage of this opportunity to meet with others and think more deeply about God’s design for his church.

12, 19, 26 March
7:45 for 8:00pm
13, 20, 27 March
9:30 for 9:45am